Microsoft calls plans for the games fair


Microsoft calls the first details of the Gamescom 2018. The visitors of the fair, which takes place in August, can look forward to a series of 25 games. The manufacturer of Xbox is about to make a demo with Forza Horizon 4 – fans can even get their hands on the new racing game. In addition, Microsoft travels with Ori and the Will of the Wisps and the Daybreak Pack for State of Decay 2 at the Cologne Games Fair. In addition, a new game mode for PUBG on Xbox One is promised.

Microsoft calls the first plans for Gamescom 2018. The manufacturer of Xbox moves with a lot of games at the fair in Cologne – on the Xbox stand in Hall 8 to try 25 games. For example, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy a demo of Forza Horizon 4. The racing game was unveiled at E3 2018 in June. In addition, Microsoft presents Ori and the will of the Wisps and the Daybreak Pack for State of Decay 2. This last mode will be available in September for the game of survival. PUBG fans can also expect innovations. On the Xbox stand, Microsoft wants to introduce a new mode for the Xbox One version of the Battle Royale shooter. Players can try the new variant of the game at Gamescom.

"We are coming to Gamescom with a good selection of developers from around the world," writes Microsoft in its latest article. In addition, a "special" edition of the Inside Xbox show is scheduled for the games fair. The episode will be broadcast live from the Xbox stand on the Internet. The date and time are already corrected: The live broadcast will take place on August 21 at 16:30. The episode must contain a lot of news, information about Xbox One coming (now for € 327.49 purchase) -Blocons and new accessories and games to come. Microsoft also promises one or two surprises.

For example, Microsoft holds PUBG competitions on an additional Mixer stand in Hall 8. For participants waving multiple awards. Those who stay at home can follow the competitions on the home screen via the mixing platform. Fans can also purchase merchandise for games such as Halo, PUBG and Gears of War in an equipment store also set up at Gamescom.

The Xbox Fanbox also returns to Gamescom 2018 – this year on the Rhine. The event will take place on August 23rd. Microsoft wants to announce soon more information and details about tickets as well as all special activities. Gamescom will take place in Cologne from August 21st to 25th

Source : Xbox News Wire

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