Million fine for Apple and Samsung for "scheduled wear" "


Italian guardians have paid Apple and Samsung cellphone makers millions of dollars for "planned wear" of their smartphones. Due to the targeted limitation of performance of older devices, Apple must pay a fine of 10 million euros, Samsung 5 million euros, as announced by antitrust authorities Wednesday in Rome.

Users around the world have previously complained of declining performance of older smartphones.

Investigations had revealed, according to the authorities, that Apple and Samsung had condemned "unfair trade practices". The operating system updates caused "serious malfunctions" and "dramatically reduced performance". Customers have been asked to buy new devices faster.

The American technology giant Apple had recommended the owners of the iPhone 6 to install an operating system developed for the successor of the iPhone 7. This posed problems with the use of the iPhone. old model. South Korean manufacturer Samsung has asked customers to update the Note 4 model with a new version of the Google Android operating system.

The penalty imposed on Apple was twice as high, as the company had not sufficiently informed its customers of smartphone battery performance, Italian antitrust authorities said. Also on the possible measures for a longer life Apple batteries have not sufficiently informed.

The guardians of the competition opened the investigations in January. At the same time, French authorities began investigating customer complaints about the slowness of older mobile phones. In the United States, Apple is facing a clbad action lawsuit.

Already last year, Apple admitted to slowing the speed of old smartphones. According to the company, the group only wanted to extend the life of the battery.


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