Million fine for Stihl in France | Stuttgart | SWR News Baden-Württemberg | SWR News


The chainsaw maker Waiblinger Stihl has to pay a fine of seven million euros in France. This was announced Wednesday by the French Competition Authority.

An employee of Stihl AG demonstrates the use of a cordless hedge trimmer. (Photo: picture-alliance / dpa, Marijan Murat)

Marijan Murat

Stihl had prevented between 2006 and 2017 the online sale of its products in France, the French authority. Some products had to be sold explicitly in stores and not on the Internet. They were also not allowed to be delivered personally to customers. A sale on own or foreign websites was therefore impossible.

Consumers are hurting

Thus, consumers who buy saws, brushcutters or electric hedge trimmers could not benefit from prices up to 10% cheaper on the Internet. According to the competition authority, it is the first time that she is acting against a big producer because of the suspension of online sales.

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