million. Musk, the crazy superhero, "


Anyone can turn everything on Twitter. There, they argue all day, on sports or the economy or politics, on national and international issues, on the good and the bad. In the end, it does not really matter. But sometimes, careers start and end on Twitter. Donald Trump is a strong user who talks directly to fans and opponents. Twitter helped him partly to the electoral victory. Today 140 characters of his fingers can move world politics. On the other end is the actress Roseanne Barr. She saw her second spring abruptly quit after giving up a racist tweet and her station did the same shortly thereafter with her television series. And then there is Elon Musk. The entrepreneur, billionaire and boss of Tesla is known for finding time for Twitter in his 100-hour week somewhere. This is generally good. Sometimes a little fake.

Like his tweet to a diver who was involved in the rescue operation for the guys who were trapped in a cave in Thailand. Diver Vern Unsworth criticized Musk after sending a mini-submarine to Thailand. It's an "RP shot," Unsworth said. Musk was able to "put his submarine somewhere else"

In response, Musk then called the diver a "pedophile", a pedophile. How he came to this form of insult, we will probably never know. The Musk tweet is now deleted. But the damage remains. This time, said the reaction, the visionary went too far. There was a red tag on the purse for his electric car company Tesla. It was not the first time. On April 1, Musk found himself joking about the bankruptcy of his company. Even the shorts that speculate against Tesla repeatedly feel Musks' anger. The billionaire has had a feud with the media for years. And in a conversation with badysts in March, Musk was canceled.

Fanatical fans. In these moments, his conviction of having to do something good with electric cars, submarines and rockets is the victim of his eccentricities. Ironically, someone like Musk has to be a little crazy. His far-reaching plans, like those of a mission dressed on Mars, can only come from a brain of fullness. Fanatical fans (the so-called musketeers) follow him because he's different.

They see in him what they saw in Steve Jobs. An eccentric who torments his employees with impossible demands and deadlines, who is never satisfied – and delivers despite all the opposition again and again. Jobs has packed 1000 songs on a hard drive, called iPod, and revolutionized the music industry. Musk packs exactly 7104 small batteries in a car, calls Tesla Model X and wants to drive Audi, BMW and Mercedes in front of him. But at least since Thailand, investors and fans are a little nervous.

The fear is that Musk might look like Roseanne Barr – and at one point, work her life with a thoughtless tweet in grave danger. On July 17, investor Gene Munster, who currently holds no Tesla shares, sent a well-received open letter to Musk in which he expressed these concerns: "In the last six months, there has been too much case of behavior "In our eyes, your failure with badysts, your frustration with shortsellers and the media, and your confrontation with the diver, Vern Unsworth, alarmed investors," Munster told Elon Musk.

General impression given by Musk is detrimental to Tesla. "Her behavior feeds a somewhat useful picture of her leadership style: to fine and irritable skin." What she needs now, is that she "Apologies and focus on the essential." Musk should consider taking a Twitter break, according to the investor, "While Twitter is attracting media attention for Tesla, this is not enough. help to improve the product. "

Elon Musk accepted the advice. But not quite. Yes, he apologized. At least a little. And he deleted the much criticized tweet. But he also could not resist the resumption of some of his fans – by broadcasting their messages to his more than 20 million followers. Of course, fans carry a different image of Musk. They defend him, attack the media again. It says, "Journalism is dead." These are actually methods that are more commonly known by Donald Trump and his followers.

World Saver. When it comes to his followers, Musk can not be compared to Steve Jobs. No other entrepreneur, Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos, has so many fans. Musk is even better than the job. Of course, they have a pretty similar style when they ask their subordinates impossible and then wonder when they fail. But Musk's ego seems to surpbad that of the late founder of Apple. Because the South African native has not only set himself the goal of changing the world. He wants to save humanity. Before climate change. And before the boring life on one planet. Mr. Musk, the Crazy Superhero

The actor Robert Downey Jr. sees him as the real "Iron Man" and Musk took it as a model for his role in the film series. His former colleague Peter Thiel, himself a legendary and eccentric entrepreneur, particularly admires Musk for having succeeded "in the world of atoms" – apart from digital. This is extremely difficult, so Thiel, who founded with Musk Paypal and later sold for $ 1.5 billion on eBay. Anyone who looks at Elon Musk's resume quickly shares his admiration

"Iron Man". Musk had already scheduled his first computer game in adolescence and then sold it. In 1999, at the age of 27, he sold his first business to Compaq for about $ 300 million. Then came, which later became Paypal. Musk has been in business with Tesla since 2004. He wants to fly in space with his company SpaceX. Tunneling the continents with the boring company. The Hyperloop, which he introduced as a white paper, aims to redefine the concept of high-speed train. And his company Neurolink wants to produce implants that bring together man and machine. That's fine with "Iron Man".

The computer world is governed by Moore's Law. In simple terms, this means that the performance of the computer processor doubles every two years. It almost seems like Musk wants to apply this law to himself, his performance and his goals.

Unlike Steve Jobs, he does not focus on one thing, but runs in eight different directions simultaneously. However, with different speeds. Tesla, his largest company, he already devotes the most attention. The boss has his office directly in the factory, where all the other engineers are sitting. He is there at least two days a week and works as much as possible.

Which two days? Of course, Saturday and Sunday. In France, the unions would feel provoked by such a person to a civil war. The Americans are at the feet of Musk, praising his diligence, his work ethic and his vision. My own books and YouTube channels are dedicated to one question: how does he do that? And even those who are not fans of Musk, but who know him through conversations, interviews and lectures, generally say that this Elon Muse is not thin and is not upset. They talk about a man who thinks longer than he does speak. From the one who listens to you until it includes 95% of your specialty.

Debates on Twitter and other conflicts involving Musk may be just exceptions? Is it the games of an eccentric who is accustomed to achieving success by sheer willpower? Or do we actually see signs of stress while Musk slowly obstructs the constant observation of Tesla and his production characters?

There is a third amusing explanation. "We will soon see virtual reality and games that are not distinguishable from reality," said Musk in 2016. He concludes that this must have happened for a long time and that what we perceive as reality is that # 39: A simulation: "It seems to me that luck is one in a billion that we live in the basic reality."

In this sense, of course, no matter what happens on Twitter

("Die Presse", printed edition, 22.07 0.2018)

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