Misconduct: Texas Instruments boss Brian Crutcher resigned – SPIEGEL ONLINE


The new boss of Texas Instruments tokens company must clear his position after only a month and a half. Brian Crutcher resigned because he violated internal rules of conduct, the company said after the US market closed on Tuesday. It was his personal behavior, which was unethical, but had nothing to do with finance or operational affairs.

Crutcher was with Texas Instruments for about 20 years. On June 1, he was promoted to CEO of the company. At the time, the company said Crutcher was an "exceptional boss, inspiring others and getting great results."

Now, his predecessor, Richard Templeton, is constantly coming back to the top. He has led the company for 14 years and still holds the presidency of the board of directors. He is not looking for a new boss, he says in the Group's message. He did not explain more about the Crutcher's misconduct.

For the second quarter, the company announced a nine percent increase in revenues to $ 4.02 billion. Earnings per share were $ 1.40, the same as earnings above badysts' expectations. Detailed figures and forecasts for the third quarter, the group wants to announce July 24.

The chart from Texas Instruments  was in the late trading hours 2.5 percent.

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