Mix of colorful music to "Starnacht aus der Wachau"


For the seventh time, the "Starnacht aus der Wachau" takes place in September in Rossatzbach (Krems District). The show will offer pop, pop and even rock music lovers a colorful musical mix of all genres.

It is now one of the great music shows in the German-speaking world, the "Star Night from the Wachau". On average, about two million people watch the Starnacht in front of the TVs in Austria and Germany. Also this year, there is a big Staraufgebot. On Wednesday, the first cornerstones of the program were presented in Dürnstein (Krems district) at a press conference

Rock Queen, pop stars and pop pop

Rock Queen Kim Wilde, pop star Francine Jordi , Semino Rossi, Ina Regen, Ben Zucker, Simone & Charly Brunner, Austrian pop newcomer Luke Andrews, Christin Stark, Michelle, Helmut Lotti and Stephanie – this year the audience is once again waiting for a colorful line-up at the "Starnacht aus der Wachau"

  Starnacht 2016

ipmedia / krivograd

The Wachau again becomes a major stage of performance

On 14 and 15 September, Rossatzbach becomes again the high place of the musical scene. The ORF-MDR show from the unique backdrop of the World Heritage site will be presented on Saturday, 22 September at 20:15 in ORF 2. The "Starnacht aus der Wachau" will be again organized by Alfons Haider and Barbara Schöneberger . In addition, the ORF "Seitenblicke" and "Unterwegs in Österreich" report the event in their current programs. "NÖ heute" brings reports and tours to the site around the "Starnacht". "Radio Niederösterreich" is also fully dedicated to the event in the Wachau.

Birgit Perl speaks in a "Close-Up Special" on Sunday, September 23, from 9:00 to 10:00 with contributors to the show. In addition, Radio Niederösterreich will broadcast the "Starnacht" on Saturday 22 September at 8:15 pm together with the ORF 2. For the regional director of the ORF Niederösterreich, Norbert Gollinger, the cover of the "Starnacht aus der Wachau "is a" highlight of the year of the program "

Mikl-Leitner:" Essential Economic Factor "

Edgar Böhm is one of the stars of the ORF 2." This unique outdoor performance takes place on the bank of the Danube opposite Dürnstein in front of an enthusiastic public and fascinates year after year, not only the Austrian television. Audience, but also the lights of the ORF Kopartners MDR. "

  Wachau Starnacht Press

krivograd / ipmedia

During the presentation, Edgar Böhm, Head of TV Entertainment ORF, Luke Andrews, Provincial Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Alfons Haider, Charly Brunner and Simone ( from left to right)

Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) described the "Success Story" Music Show. "The" Starnacht "in the Wachau World Heritage is something very special and a wonderful advertisement for our beautiful country. It has also become an essential economic factor, particularly felt by the hotel and restaurant industry in Wachau. The organizer of the "Starnacht" Martin Ramusch of ip media announced that he had received the commitment for three "starry nights" "For this I would like to thank the governor, who makes all this possible, and I would like to thank again the ORF and especially the ORF Niederösterreich, "said Ramusch at the press conference.

ORF NÖ at "Starnacht aus der Wachau"

Before entering the "Starnacht" arena on 14 and 15 September, there will be a culinary mile with a support program by ORF- Radio Niederösterreich A DJ will ensure the best entertainment and, furthermore, visitors can expect many food stands with the culinary arts of Wachauer directly on the site.

With the ORF-TVthek, viewers and viewers can also see live at the "Starnach" t of the Wachau "- the video platform delivers the TV transmission directly to PC, laptop, tablet and smartphone.And via video-on-demand, the full event, including the performance of all the stars, will be available for an additional seven days.


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