Mobile collar and SMS thumb «


"Digital paralysis" is the new buzzword around headaches (at school) and the neck of smartphones. How to counteract.

14:32, 6 November 2018

© (c) Andrey Popov – (Andrey Popov)

On average, young people use their smartphone or tablet more than two hours a day. Children often use an extra game console. The special posture – the head is tilted forward – causes tension in the neck, neck pain and eventually head and back pain. Why? "In this posture, the cervical spine is suspended in the ligaments, overloading it and making it irritating chronic, resulting in head, neck and back pain," says Ronald Dorotka, specialist in orthopedics and orthopedic surgery. As an amplifier, the lack of badociated movement and the absence of sunlight would be added – both very important for the development of a hard bone and a natural resistance.

The back is heavy

Bottom: Our head weighs an average of four to six kilograms. If it is tilted about 15 degrees, an additional 13 kilograms will act on the back. The lower the head, the more it is loaded. If you look at your mobile device, your head has often dropped 45 degrees. In this case, forces of more than 20 kilograms act on the back. In this position, our cervical spine must neutralize a high force. The ligaments are constantly stretched, the muscles are tight, the area can not be well fed with blood.

Of course, it is not new that the back is stretched incorrectly. People often complain about back problems that spend several hours a day at the office. "Whether in the office or using a mobile device: it is important to change your posture from time to time to avoid back problems," agree the doctors.

The best tips for a healthy back:

1. relaxation exercises: For example, move the head from right to left and lower the ear on each shoulder until you feel a pull in the cervical spine. Stretch your head and pull your shoulders down.

2. Lower the eyes instead of the head: Move mobile devices closer to your face and lower your eyes rather than your head and neck. Check the posture again and again and correct it if necessary.

3rd movement, movement! To strengthen the muscles, play sports at least once or twice a week and incorporate exercise into everyday life, for example: stairs instead of lifts!

thumb pain

Intensive texting on the smartphone causes a problem called "SMS thumb". Constant typing is repeated pressure on the fingers, which can cause inflammation of the tendon from the thumb to the forearm. The inflammation is noticeable by throbbing or shooting pain. These occur during movements of grasping, pushing and holding the thumb and lead to movement restrictions. The complaints can not only be felt locally in the thumb, but also radiate along the tendon in the forearm. The inflamed tendon is often palpable in the form of a hardened and warmed swelling and is extremely sensitive to pressure.


After consultation with the doctor, stretching and strengthening exercises can be performed. In addition, some patients find the local heating or cooling applications pleasant. These promote blood circulation and thus accelerate the metabolism in the affected area. You can do this by heating a cherry stone cushion or placing a cooling pad wrapped in a cloth over the inflamed area.

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