Monster Fishing |


Kurt Palm reads to Ebensee of a novel that has not yet appeared and in which he does not give a closed season.

And again Kurt Palm has the vote on the title of an unpublished book. He called it "monster". The publisher wants to call it "Rottensee"

A similar problem existed at the Ebensee cinema two years ago. At that time, Palm read a script that later got the title "Strandbadrevolution". "Gimme Shelter", after the Rolling Stones song, Palm would have liked to call the book. This failed because the titles of the Stones songs are protected as trademarks. "Inestimable," says Palm. At least this problem exists with the question, "Monster" or "Rottensee"? "no

The Rottensee is invented, somewhere between the mountains, and wild in the villages on its banks.

A monster of fish seven meters long is raging, and there to a couple of bad vampires, there is food poisoned with Ebola virus and quotes Ostbahn Kurti.There is an old Nazi who killed a "Negro" in eternal loyalty.There are reports of refugees on the There are certainly memories of earlier Palm novels.

For the 18th time, Kurt Palm appeared on Tuesday as part of the Salzkammergut Festival, accompanied by Christoph Köpf, a world-renowned musician.With the harp of Jew, Fujara and Electronic, he throws a scintillating sound into the play, whose strength attracts the strange universe of monsters.Because it does not matter not just a giant fish in the lake.It's also about the monsters of the vi e daily, monsters born from glare and adaptation. Sounds very serious at first, but very fun, wild and lawless.

A first draft of this novel from Palm was published two years ago under the title "Monster vom Attersee" in the anthology "Mordern Salzkammergut", "I almost forgot it," says Palm reading Ebensee

. With his new monsters, he mainly pursues horror games, basic motifs and narrative narratives of the novel and his novel "Bad Fucking", Palm, however, increases the intensity of the grotesque and satirical, because these stylistic devices are perhaps the only way to endure even more often the well-known world of articulations, half-way with cynicism and play on words, as much for Kurt Palm

63-year-old novelist and director again fulfills his role as an educator – as he describes among other things his professional image (or his way of life?)

He tears the monstrous literary folly of incredible events on See the doors of the memory of knowledge of everyday culture. He mixes myths of pop culture and politically timely false news effortlessly. From collective memories, but also from penchant for cooking and fishing, he draws a weird world, which then has a lot to do with the reality between the lines.

Thus, as in "Bad Fucking", another appears Minister of the Interior, who owes his work not to his competence, but to the leader of the authoritarian party, who prefers to have a child with the daughter much more young of a political colleague and not with her. On the news that the refugees drowned again, she says with frustration: "Well, 350 less than we have to take care of." Hart. But not unimaginable. It's only in the broadcast, which is formulated by the intriguer PR counselor of the minister, that there is a little bit of pity.

"Of course, everything in this novel is purely fictitious," says Palm. He smiles and no longer saves anyone.

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