Moretti: triumph and sadness



On Wednesday night, Jedermann's stars, Stefanie Reinsperger and Tobias Moretti, look forward to the first sample of photos on Cathedral Square. Tickets for the first Sunday are completely exhausted. oe24.TV spoke in advance with Moretti on the role of cult trainer.

Video on the subject
Fellner! Live: Interview with Tobias Moretti


Just as Moretti himself personally scored Jedermann, Jedermann also changed it as a human being: "It has matured and the finitude becomes of more and more conscious, "says the star in the interview oe24.TV

However, this has more to do with a private matter than with the role itself, he added. Moretti's beloved mother, Waltraud Bloéb, died on 23 February, as a death announcement in the Tiroler Tageszeitung shows. Grief is written in the face of the actor. Mama Waltraud proudly looks at his son Sunday


The play itself has changed a lot compared to last year: "We have a new table company and new music that have an impact on dramaturgy. "Buhlschaft Reinsperger shines 2018 not like the previous year in soft pink, but in the opulent red dress. Everyman – more dramatic than ever!

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