Mourning for Erika Spie-Mahringer |


Mourning of Erika Spie-Mahringer

MAYRHOFEN. Many local ski left this world on Tuesday.

Born in Linz, Erika Spie-Mahringer, who won two bronze medals in slalom and in combination at the St. Moritz Olympic Games in 1948, died in Mayrhofen at the age of 93.

In addition to the Olympic medals, she has won seven championship titles in Austria. Spie-Mahringer also celebrated four victories at Kitzbhel. In 1954, she received the Golden Ski, the Golden Ski (winner of the World Cup), as the best rider of the year.

The mother of Nicola Werdenigg, who has also become a successful ski racer under the name of Nicola Spie and her brother Uli Spie, founded the first ski kindergarten in the world after her career with her husband Ernst Spie in Zillertal. In fact, she learned to ski on a small hill in Linz, then Koglerau, Pstlingberg and Hellmonsdt.

The last time Spie-Mahringer was with 82 years on skis. The amputation of a leg has reduced their mobility in recent years. Nevertheless, the hard-hearted lady has never lost her courage.

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