Mozart breathes fresh wind from France


François Leleux invented Mozart's morning as an oboist and conductor.

  François Leleux excelled as a soloist in Mozart's oboe concerto.

SN / sf / borrelli

François Leleux excelled as a soloist in Mozart's oboe concerto.

The Bloodmoon has left its mark. Many visitors to Mozart's Matinee Saturday in the Great Hall of the Mozarteum Foundation seemed a little braggart after the hectic night before.

But the musicians of the Mozarteum Orchestra were awake. The man in the office of the conductor anyway. After a few measurements of Symphony A, KV 201, it seems clear that François Leleux was not only an intercessor for the sick Andrés Orozco-Estrada, but a great designer. Especially in the lower part of the dynamics has been worked extremely differentiated. The dancing lightness filled the room. Above all, Mozart's music breathed, and that could also be the main profession of the Frenchman.

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