Murder, death, hi and a classic


Papy (Heribert Kaineder) and Enkerl (Noélie Payré) play together in
Grandpa (Heribert Kaineder) and Enkerl (Noélie Payré) play together in "Duck, Death and Tulip" © Prammer

The creation of Peter Turrini's "Kindsmord", directed by Bernhard Panhofer, was well received by Zell am Pettenfirst's ZELL E theater group. Turrini wrote the play in 1973 after a true story. A young woman from a good family kills her ten-month-old child. How could this happen? A kind of negotiation before the judge with the father and a friend as participants exposes the woman's psychogram, her lifestyle and the society with which she is surrounded. Next performances will take place on November 2nd, 3rd and 4th at 8 pm at GH Hiegelsperger (Tickets: Phone 07675 / 2355-0)

The children's book "Duck, Death and Tulip" by Wolf Erlbruch (2007) easily sketches the fugacity par excellence. Nora Dirisamer has dramatized for the theater group Kirchschlag the book of poetic images of a few pages. Andreé and Mira Reisinger bring the magic of the images on stage with a pond, reeds and a lot of driftwood. Christine Kaineder stages the story of big questions, including her simple answers to Grzegorz Mizerski's music and Eva Reisenberger's choreographies.

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The duck takes the death by the hand …

Death and the little duck (Heribert Kaineder and Noelie Payre, eleven years old, grandfather and granddaughter in real life) gain mutual trust. The duck takes death by the hand and shows him the game of life, death loses its terror. A joyful philosophical experience for 6 year olds and all other ages. The first is October 31st. Other performances on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th November at the parish center of Sainte-Anne, maps and information:

"Salvation" by Alois Mandl, is a self-production of Kulturverein Gugg in Braunau and also celebrates its creation on October 31st. After many years of marriage, Mathilde wants to change her life, unlike her husband Martin, who follows his own path and barely perceives his environment. Arrow straight plunges Mathilde into a disaster that also radically changes Martin's life. He is obliged to open his eyes. And what he sees there is breathtaking. Dates: 1., 2. and 3 November at 20 hours; Maps and information:; Such. 07722/65692

The clbadic of Ferdinand Raimund "The Alpine King and the misanthrope" will be on the program of the Greiner Dilettantegesellschaft from November 10th. Directed again Doris Happl, who had led the ensemble last year with Felix Mitterer's "The Weberian" until a peak performance was noticed. The rich Rappelkopf is enough. Betrayed by everyone around him, he brutalizes his family, his badociates and his staff. He retires to the vacant Stadttheater Grein. While the happiness of his daughter threatens to break, a charismatic stranger intertwines.

The path of self-knowledge

Greiner's dilettantes chart the path of self-awareness of a person unsatisfied with oneself and the world. A proven therapy since 1828, always nice! Astrid Zehetner, Andrea Lehner, Brigitte Maschl-Leitner, Gabriele Huber-Lichtblau, Melanie Schuhbauer, Alfons Puchner, Christian Hochgatterer, HP Baumfried and Paul Heiml. The next dates: 16., 17., 18., 24., 25. and November 30; Tickets: Tel. 07268/373 or [email protected]

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