Mystery Aired: The title and launch of Mysterious TV Comeback Revealed by Sacha Baron Cohen


An enigmatic enigma has recently presented a new humor project by Sacha Baron Cohen. Now, there is solid information about the return of the star of "Borat", who calls himself "Who is America?" And who will be released in Germany in July

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Since the end of June 2018, Showtime has been making a big secret about a new comedy format that will begin on the US channel on July 15th. Meanwhile, anarchist comedian Sacha Baron Cohen has also mocked a mysterious new project with US President Donald Trump. Now it has been revealed that both cases are one and the same. For Showtime, award-winning star "Borat" and "Brüno" Cohen will launch the new comedy series "Who Is America?" In a few days

Spiritual "Ali G Show" continued

"Who is America?" Sacha Baron Cohen also seems to be returning to his television roots in content. According to Variety the program is supposed to be similar to its "Da Ali G Show", with which the actor founded his success in the early 2000s and from which also emerged the hit movies "Borat" and "Brüno". Thus, Cohen is expected to slip back into at least one (possibly new) unusual role, mainly to conduct interviews with various people .

According to the official press release, various people will be illuminated "who make up the political and cultural spectrum of America : from the dishonest to the unknown." That he meets, among others, Dick Cheney becomes not only in the above, but also in the following teaser already betrayed in which he actually signed a waterboarding game under George W. Bush:

As early as February 2018, there were also reports that Cohen in Las Vegas with something OJ Simpson fired. Overall, the secret work on "Who is America?" During all the past year should have spread. The result is seven half-hour episodes which Cohen is also responsible for as an author, director and producer.

German launch of "Who Is America?"

Through an exclusive agreement between Showtime and Sky In a few days we will be able to see "Who is America?" Already next Tuesday, 17. July 2018 the first episode will be broadcast at 8:15 pm Sky Atlantic HD and can be retrieved via Sky streaming services such as Sky Ticket . The remaining episodes then follow each week at the same time.

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