Name searched for the European rover of Mars


Name searched for the European rover of Mars

by Stefan Deiters
23. July 2018

The British Space Agency in charge of the construction of ] ExoMars reverse is responsible, looking for a name for the vehicle. the
Rover is expected to land on the red planet in 2021 in search of traces of life.
The proposals come from citizens of all ESA Member States and from
States badociated with the space agency possible. The deadline is the 10th.
October 2018.

  ExoMars Rover

That's what it should look like, the European
ExoMars rover. Now, a name for the vehicle

: ESA / ATG medialab

At the International Air Show in English
Farnborough has ESA British astronaut Tim Peake Friday the starting signal
for a baptismal contest of the European Marsrovers given to the 2020
Start Red Planet and land there in the spring of 2021. The rover will be
designed by the British UK Space Agency and is also said to be built in
Underground of Mars for a possible proof of life in the past

"Mars is a fascinating destination, a place where people gather one day
working with robots to expand our knowledge and live in
our solar system, "explains Peake." The rover ExoMar is important
Part of this way and we want everyone to be part of this
Become a fascinating mission and find a name for mobile
who will explore the Martian surface once. "

The Rover ExoMars will be the first rover to hit Europe
ESA Space Agency sends to Mars. The whole mission ExoMars will be in
Cooperation with the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos.
For the first time, it will be possible with the Rover, various interesting places on the
Approach the surface and collect soil samples from deeper regions
and to investigate.
Here could be protected against the hard radiation on the ground
Surface, traces of life formerly much better preserved
have as under the surface, where, for example, NASA Mars Rover Curiosity takes its samples.

Suggestions for a name for the rover can be made by all citizens
Member States of ESA and also citizens of the badociated countries
be. The name of the ESA rover can be a single word, a
short combination of words or even a shortcut act. However allowed
these have not been used before for an aerospace mission or
violate trademark rights. People only agree as names if
he died before October 10, 1993, 25 years before the deadline

The winner will visit the British Airbus plants at Stevenage
Guests, travel expenses are not supported. At Airbus, the
Rover was commissioned by UK Space Agency and developed and built the ESA.

The decision
the name will not fall in a public vote but by
hit a jury. So, that does not threaten the fiasco, what is the search for a
Name for a new research vessel in the UK, which was named "Boaty
McBoatface "had imposed, with a considerable margin,
but was thrown away. The ship now calls "Sir David Attenborough".


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