NASA is 60 years old: big triumphs are missing today

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Worried about Research on Earth and Climate Trump

The Inauguration of US President Donald
did not change much for NASA says O. Meara . With the exception of Trump's predecessor Barack Obama has heavily funded research on Earth and climate, you need to worry about it. "Otherwise, I have the feeling that Trump did not care much about NASA ." The authority still has to fight for its budget. The Trump used and criticized by many Democrats as the inexperienced boss of NASA Jim Bridenstine has so far made it at least not yet "disastrous," says [19659001] O. Meara [19659006]. "Initially, I was very skeptical about Bridenstine but in the short time he is currently in power, he has done very well."

The Moon Landing The Great "Key Moment" of NASA is now nearly 50 years old – and he urgently needs new moments, calls O & # 39, Meara . To achieve this, NASA must master enormous challenges. First, astronauts with US spacecraft should be launched urgently to end their current dependence on Soyuz capsules . This was announced by NASA but up to now nothing is still produced

And then the space agency again needs an inspiring vision, calls O. Meara . For example: People on Mars – or even on the moon of Jupiter Europe . "We can do it if NASA wants to go on the very tiring path." Also the solution of one of the most exciting enigmas of humanity is within the reach of NASA . "It's in our capacity if NASA wants to definitely discover in the next 20 years if there is still life in the universe next to us." NASA the very complicated


Concern for Research on Earth and Climate Trump

The Inauguration of US President Donald
did not change much for NASA says O. Meara . With the exception of Trump's predecessor Barack Obama has heavily funded research on Earth and climate, you need to worry about it. "Otherwise, I have the feeling that Trump did not care much about NASA ." The authority still has to fight for its budget. The Trump used and criticized by many Democrats as the inexperienced boss of NASA Jim Bridenstine has so far made it at least not yet "disastrous," says [19659001] O. Meara [19659006]. "Initially, I was very skeptical about Bridenstine but in the short time he is currently in power, he has done very well."

The Moon Landing The Great "Key Moment" of NASA is now nearly 50 years old – and he urgently needs new moments, calls O & # 39, Meara . To achieve this, NASA must master enormous challenges. First, astronauts with US spacecraft should be launched urgently to end their current dependence on Soyuz capsules . This was announced by NASA but up to now nothing is still produced

And then the space agency again needs an inspiring vision, calls O. Meara . For example: People on Mars – or even on the moon of Jupiter Europe . "We can do it if NASA wants to go on the very tiring path." Also the solution of one of the most exciting enigmas of humanity is within the reach of NASA . "It's in our capacity if NASA wants to definitely discover in the next 20 years if there is still life in the universe next to us." NASA the very complicated As far as technological challenges are concerned, we can finally clarify that. "

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