Nervous thriller around Lauda's new airline


It is the spearhead of the future of the airline Lauda: As announced, the German Lufthansa wants to recover nine A320 leased by Laudamotion – nearly half of the fleet, Laudamotion has a total of 19 machines. Reason: Laudamotion would not have had to pay the rental rates. Ryanair, majority of Laudamotion, replied: All is bad, but Lufthansa owes money to Austro – Airline. Anyone who is right should now establish a court in London on Friday

Nerves Are Virgins

Niki Lauda, ​​who has not chopped her words to Lufthansa since the bankruptcy of Air Berlin, remains surprisingly quiet. "It will be okay," he said briefly and close to AUSTRIA. But behind the scenes, the lawsuit is probably a thriller. At a long meeting announced this morning with reporters, Lauda will not participate – only the boss of Laudamotion, Andreas Gruber, will ask the questions.

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