Netflix plans to continue investing in non-English films and series. "Good stories are everywhere," said Greg Peters, Product Manager. At the Lisbon Web Summit, the US streaming provider announced two new European series that will go into production next year and will then be visible on the platform in 2020: the series of Spanish mysteries "Alma" and "Ragnarok" , Netflix's first Norwegian production. Netflix has invested heavily in European formats in recent years.
Global success
Netflix has produced formats in other languages since 2014. The first productions in France and Mexico should initially work in these markets. As expected, the Brazilian series "3%" was a huge success in Brazil. "But she has also had a lot of success on the international stage," says Peters. About half of the audience came from around the world – including Australia, Italy, Korea, and Turkey. Other internationally successful productions such as the Spanish series "House of Money" have continued this trend.
The German series "Dark" has also been an international success: "90% of viewers are outside of Germany, Austria and Switzerland," Peters explains in an interview to heise online. "I guess for most of them it was the first time that they were watching a German series." Dark enters the second season, the second German series "Dogs of Berlin" will start soon.
Difficult American public
In the United States, too, the public marvel at the foreign series – contrary to a survey, according to which a large portion of American viewers never wanted to see a production in a foreign language. "We then ignored this investigation," says Peters. The fact that non-English formats are now slowly starting to work in the US is also part of the technology, says Peters.
"In principle, the Internet is a very flexible content distribution platform," says product manager Netflix. "We sync and subtitle, and finally, we can present the stories to the viewers we know love those stories, and if you suggest them correctly, try them out before you realize that they're German. series. "
With synchronization and subtitles, Netflix uses resources established in the respective countries, but does a lot of it. The German film industry has a long tradition of synchronization. German speakers often live all their lives with the actors, to whom they lend their voice. For the Danish series "The Rain", Netflix has made the actor himself English dubbing.
Netflix also continues to develop the technology used to present films and series to the public. In the case of network operators, the streaming provider places its own servers ("Open Connect Box") under which Netflix brings its content closer to its viewers with the respective provider. "We are constantly working to improve payments," Peters said. "So we can always show the best video possible, even if we only have a few hundred kilobits per second."
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