Netflix: new optics for the streaming service!


D The Netflix streaming service gives a new look to its TV applications: who on TV, via a streaming box like Apple TV or a game console on Netflix access, now gets a renovated surface to see. According to a post on the company's blog, the renewed look is based on extensive research. The biggest change: there is a sidebar that reminds us of the distribution on YouTube. On the left side of Netflix's TV apps are men's items like Search, My List, Series.

Netflix: Better TV Navigation

The new homepage is designed to help users find movies and TV shows more quickly. The adapted structure facilitates navigation via the TV remote control, according to Netflix. The new TV interface was designed to make Netflix simpler and more intuitive in several areas, writes Stephen Garcia, director of product innovation at Netflix, in the blog. Last week, users of Netflix's smartphone and tablet apps benefited from an update: With smart downloads, the app automatically downloads the next episode of the favorite series into the home WLAN for a subsequent consumption.

Netflix Originals: Exclusive Series

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