New allegations against the former boss of VW Winterkorn | – News – Lower Saxony


Stand: 26.07.2018 18:00 clock

by Christine Adelhardt, Thorsten Hapke, Stephan Wels, Peter Hornung

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The former boss of VW, Winterkorn, is overwhelmed by various statements

The former VW boss, Martin Winterkorn, reportedly been informed in detail of the months before the announcement of the scandal of diesel concerning the escape fraud. In addition, it had already experienced in 2007 emissions control issues for the US market. The accused alleged in his statements to the prosecutor Braunschweig, the NDR, WDR and "Süddeutsche Zeitung" could see.

  Martin Winterkorn

Burden Of Witnesses Former VW Head Winterkorn

Niedersachsen 18.00

The former boss of VW, Winterkorn, was he already aware of the gas manipulations of Exhaust much earlier than he said it? A senior employee testified before the prosecution.

Alleged meeting in May 2015

Among other things, the former boss of the VW Winterkorn heavy engine development. The director reported on a meeting of several engineers with the former CEO of VW in May 2015. In doing so, Winterkorn was informed of the "switching logic" of vehicle exhaust gases. diesel and therefore the handling of exhaust gases. Until now, the VW group claims that Winterkorn had only been aware of the exhaust gas fraud in September 2015.

VW denies the expiry

Volkswagen denies that there was such an appointment in May 2015. This claim as the former head of engine development. In fact, there is no indication in the statements of other people who should have been present at the meeting, according to the department head. Nevertheless, the manager describes the conversation in detail.

Winterkorn greeted him as well as his colleagues who accompanied him with the words: "What" driving practices "have now done again? Winterkorn had climbed, this that engine developers had once again built for shit, said the former department chief.Compared to other opportunities that had been a relatively quiet emotional explosion.The content of 600,000 vehicles involved in United States and Canada had been discussed

Winterkorn had listened to everything, but had remained calm.He had heard him for the first time, "he would have freaked out," continued the director. he was sent in. Winterkorn had then discussed with others "behind the scenes."

Shareholder Action

The statement of the engine expert could also bring Volkswagen into conflict with the shareholders in distress. Mutual funds and investors have sued VW for damages of several billion euros, because they were informed too late by VW of the US handling of the exhaust and fuel gases. of the threat of consequences. This process is expected to begin in September at the Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig

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Braunschweig prosecutor's office investigates VW fraud for years

The 160-page statement of the director is part of the investigation files that the prosecutor's office of Braunschweig sends to the lawyers of the quarantine of Defendants a. The file contains 81 main files and many special volumes, a data volume of more than six gigabytes. Until October, lawyers now have the opportunity to comment on the investigation.

First proof in 2007

According to research by NDR, WDR and SZ Winterkorn, even at the end of 2007, the first evidence that strict US emissions limits would not be achieved by own means . This is clear from the testimony of another VW manager, he was previously responsible for engine development. Due to difficulties encountered in the development of US diesel engines, on November 8, 2007 in Wolfsburg, a "high-level meeting" with Winterkorn and other VW panels, including the future CEO of VW, Matthias Müller, said the public prosecutor in Braunschweig. He had pointed out that Winterkorn that the diesel vehicle software "could lead to discussions with the authorities."

He was not even aware that the software was an illegal shutdown device for handling broadcasts, but he did Winterkorn warned, "What we are doing is not correct. " Then Winterkorn "shrugged" and said that they should continue.

The VW Group explains that it is in the nature of things that in such complex issues, there are different statements and memoirs of stakeholders. It is therefore forbidden to comment on individual statements

Also the testimony of Piëchs overwhelmed Winterkorn

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Ex-President Piëch said that it was "unthinkable" that the top VW knows nothing.

Winterkorn is also overwhelmed by the testimony of a former Volkswagen boss and former chairman of the board Ferdinand Piëch. He said in late 2016 to the prosecutor, for him that it was "unthinkable" that the diesel exhaust fraud was not known to senior management. "This went into the first set," said Piëch

The procedure for releasing new engines has always been "rather tight" at VW. Key leaders, including former CEO Winterkorn, were involved. The top VW was verbally – in talks – informed of the handling of the exhaust gases, speculates Piëch. Because it had been "the culture at VW", delicate points "not in the writing" hold. He has the impression that VW group officials have tried to expel any responsibility towards the "lower level," Piëch said.

Piëch's remarks are conjectures to which one would not take position, explained a spokesman for VW. Winterkorn's lawyer said that he would not comment on the ongoing investigation

More information

Earlier than planned, the Braunschweig prosecutor's office forwards its files to the lawyers of the leaders accused in the VW exhaust scandal. Will there be fees this year?

The former boss of Volkswagen Winterkorn lied to the committee investigating the diesel scandal? Committee member Krischer believes – and reported to NDR information.

The investigations of the prosecutor Braunschweig against the former boss of VW Winterkorn are almost completed, according to "FAS". The paper also reports that Winterkorn could lose all his fortune.

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26.07.2018 | 19.30 clock

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