New love for Angelina Jolie


Angelina Jolie (43) does not mean who is the new man by her side. According to insiders, his new love is to be a heavy British art dealer, whom she wants to present only when she is divorced. A source from Jolie's environment wants to know that she has already introduced the unknown to her children. "A clear sign that it's more than just a bargain," said the insider, who firmly believes that Jolie is serious.

Rosenkrieg. As for Jolie's husband, Brad Pitt (54), the actress is also doing the same. After a judge allowed Pitt to see the children as often as he wished, she now pulls other ropes. It is even said that she forbade her children to call Pitt "daddy". [Fonction] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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