New Overwatch Hero, Ashe, Has Powerful Capabilities


Ashe Overwatch heroin skills
Image: Blizzard

Currently, the Blizzcon is in full swing. At the internal show, Blizzard presents news that Overwatch fans can hope for. Overwatch's new heroine, Ashe, is equipped with a rifle, a shotgun and dynamite and has great skills.

Typing skills

Ashe, the heroine of Hero McCree, falls under the category "Damage" and connects her to colleagues such as Hanzo, Genji or Junkrat. She has four skills:

  • The Viper – The semi-automatic rifle pulls quickly from the hip. Targeting through the visor causes a lot more damage.
  • dynamite – It can be launched and explodes after a short delay. If he is shot, he explodes prematurely. When enemies are hit, they are burned and sustained damage.
  • hunting rifle – With the powerful weapon, Ashe can shoot at his opponents, knock them out and catapult himself back.
  • BOB – Omnic Companion B.O.B appeals to Ashe's reputation for helping and supporting them in combat. He throws his opponents into the badaults in the air and keeps them with his guns.

Blizzard gives you a game

At Blizzcon, Blizzard also announced that Destiny 2 would be available for free for a short time. We have already reported.

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My playing career began at the time on the good old N64. Since then, many things have changed! I try to stay on the ball, always open to new things and never lose the pleasure of playing. But hey, it's not that difficult.

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