New Star Wars trailer: The Clone Wars – TV


The "Star Wars" empire, founded by George Lucas more than 40 years ago, covers more than eight episodes of the film saga and its two spin-offs. Books, toys, salt shakers, video games, television series and many others are added to the "Star Wars" folklore. Important for fans of Luke, Vader and Co: Some of these extras are officially part of the "Star Wars" canon, so are directly related to movies.

This is especially true for television formats produced by Lucasfilm. Walt Disney has bought the company a whopping $ 4 billion and has tried many new "Star Wars" projects ever since. But the mouse company also brings back an old one.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

First Preview

"Star Wars: The War of Clones" is an animated series that bridges gaps between episodes II and III. Anakin Skywalker has not yet become Darth Vader, Luke and Leia do not exist yet, but Obi-Wan Kenobi is among the living.

For five years, fans pleaded for a re-recording of the series and finally found an audience. To launch the Comic-Con in San Diego Lucasfilm presented on July 19, surprisingly, the first trailer (see above) of the new season. Anakin and Obi-Wan are contacted in the clip by their old Padawan Ahsoka Tano – and are just as bewildered as the visitors to the comics …

The Twelve Dew Episodes will be on Disney's new streaming platform. When it's time, but is not repaired.

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