Next Quick Shock: Ivan is not in top form – football


The staff worries about Rapid, and yet the Bundesliga season has not even begun. Goalkeeper Andrija Pavlovic has been absent for several months for a hip muscle injury. Now, he is known: another player weakens, and even with him the problems are in the muscular area.

Bundesliga player with the past of Salzburg

Ivan does not fit

This is the right wing Andrei Ivan. According to the "mail", the 21-year-old can not refuse full team training. This is because he has barely gone into action in his last club in Krasnodar. In addition, Pavlovic, for whom Ivan would have been eligible as a provisional substitute in the center-forward position, was rarely on the ground at FC Copenhagen.

Muscle problems

Fitness Coach Toni Beretzki explains, "If the full program is followed every day, the risk of muscle injury is high and we have to build it individually. Apparently, the warning arrived too late for Pavlovic. Sports director Fredy Bickel said before Pavlovic's injury: "It's the price that a club like Rapid has to pay: either we buy players at a certain level, or we play a lot of clbad, but we must accept a disability. At Pavlovic we knew it would take time. "

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