Nintendo Wii will no longer support video streaming services ⊂ · ⊃


As soon as the Nintendo Switch will have its own YouTube application, another console from the Japanese manufacturer will soon have to completely abandon the video streaming services: On the Nintendo Wii, Netflix, among others, will soon be available.

The deadline is set by Netflix on January 30, 2019: Unfortunately, Nintendo will cease to support all video streaming services on the Wii, writes the company on its website. This seems to mean that Nintendo also excludes other providers. You will not be able to use Amazon Prime Video on the console.

Wii Shop also closes

Really surprising, however, the announcement does not come. The Nintendo Wii was already launched in 2005. At that time, video streaming was far from being as prevalent as today. In addition, Nintendo has already released two new consoles with the Wii U and the Switch.

In addition, the manufacturer has already announced the closure of the Wii Shop 2019: you must also say goodbye on this subject on January 30, 2019. From this moment, you will not be able to download games "Virtual Console" on your Nintendo Wii. Netflix is ​​not yet available on the switch – at least for the moment.

The current Nintendo console has recently received its own YouTube app. The manufacturer has already indicated that discussions are ongoing with various other streaming providers. It is likely that you will soon be able to watch Netflix and Amazon Prime Video on your handheld.

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