Nissan chips sells the sale to financial investors


Nissan, one of the leading electric car manufacturers in the world, does not want to produce its own batteries in the future. The planned sale of the remaining production capacity to the Chinese investment company GSR Capital has been discontinued.

The agreement on Japanese-Chinese batteries had already been concluded last year, but the finalization was delayed again and again. GSR Capital had until June 29 to pay the purchase price, but let the deadline pbad. Nissan then said that the financial investor does not have the capital to sign the contract.

Nissan Energy Energy Corp. Battery Company is owned 51% by the automaker, owned 42% by the Japanese electronics group NEC. Automotive Energy Supply Corp has manufacturing facilities in the United States, England and Japan. The price agreed with GSR Capital is expected to rise to one billion US dollars, reports the news agency Reuters .

For the expected boom in electromobility, global automakers plan to install larger and larger batteries. While the industry buys most of the battery components built into electric cars, more and more existing and new companies are entering the market. The currently dominant battery manufacturers come from China, South Korea and Japan – any one or the other of them could now contact Nissan.

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