No concert after the award of the Nobel Peace Prize «


Due to lack of funds, the traditional concert after the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo is canceled this year. There will be no concert in the Norwegian capital after the awards ceremony in December, the Nobel Institute, the Warner Bros Norway movie studio and the Gyro Event company announced in a joint statement on Tuesday.

08.59, 04. July 2018 [19659003] Facebook

  • Already in recent years, the "financial situation" of gifted concerts had been "difficult", according to the press release. The break should also be used to "rethink" the previous format. According to a report by the newspaper "Dagbladet", the supermarket chain Rema 1000 has announced its support for the concert.

    Ratings have fallen sharply in recent years. Since 1994, American singers Whitney Houston and Lady Gaga have performed at concerts.

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