No Man's Sky Xbox Begins with Memory Issues, Announced Fix


Since yesterday, players in Europe can now order No Man's Sky on the XBox One. Thus, the development studio has finally served all platforms, as he had already planned.

The sci-fi game No Man's Sky is better than ever, but not entirely without problems. With the recently released Next-Update, there is new content and many improvements (via Neowin). But what players can enjoy a lot more with a Microsoft console – last week launched the epic space now on the Xbox One. Xbox owners have had to wait more than two years, but the time has been well spent: Who starts No Man's Sky now on the Xbox no longer has the difficulties with which the game has struggled in the first steps, especially one can now in the Corresponds to set the expectations too.

  The sky of no man After two years …
  The sky of any man … The sky of no man its multiplayer

Mbadive technical problems of the title, which led to the fact that the developers have offered refunds of players, has remained barely today.

Fix for the next

Numerous updates have been released, including the Foundation's update towards the end of 2016 with over 160 enhancements, and this week's 1.5 update, nicknamed "Next," which transforms No Man's music. s Sky in multiplayer experience. With others, you can now explore the universe of No Man 's Sky and admire the generously reworked graphics.

For all players who have already completed the next update, there is already a solution to the problem with the correct backup of the score. Many users had reported that they had been reset despite backed up backups and that any progress had suddenly disappeared. Now, there is a fix. The 1.5.1 update again brings a good backup mode and fixes even more small errors. The update is currently available only for PlayStation and PC, but the patch for Xbox will be added soon.

Update 1.52 was also announced, which will discuss other issues and stability improvements.

See also:

  Update, Sky Without Man, Hello Games, NEXT

Update, Sky Without Man, Hello Games, NEXT
Hello Games

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