Northern United Publishing & Media: Attention! ()


In our new badysis, we take a closer look at Northern United Publishing & Media, a telecommunications services company. The Northern United Publishing & Media stock traded at CNY 4.78 on October 26, 2018. The company's domestic market is Shanghai.

How Northern United Publishing & Media is currently evaluating the results of a multi-step badysis. We selected 6 categories, each of which resulted in "Buy", "Keep" or "Sell". These results are finally consolidated in the overall result.

1. Relative Strength Index: In order to badess whether a title is currently "overbought" or "oversold", top-down movements may be related. This provides what is known as the Relative Strength Index (RSI), an indicator of technical badysis that is widely used in the financial market. We are now evaluating Northern United Publishing & Media based on the shorter 7-day RSI and the longer-term 25-day RSI. First, the 7-day RSI, which currently stands at 18.64 points, means that the stock of Northern United Publishing & Media is oversold. As a result, she receives a note of "purchase". Turning now to RSI25: unlike the RSI for the last 7 trading days, Northern United Publishing & Media is neither overbought nor sold on this basis. The valuation of the stock thus different for the 25-day RSI is therefore a "retained" rating. This gives Northern United Publishing & Media a "Buy" rating for this point in our badysis.

2. Fundamental: The most important indicator for fundamental badysis is the price / earnings ratio (P / E). On this basis, Northern United Publishing & Media, at 15.14, is significantly cheaper than the media sector and is therefore undervalued. The industry P / E is 173.44, which corresponds to a distance of 91%. Therefore, we rank the title as a "buy" recommendation.

3. Technical Analysis: Over the past 200 trading days, Northern United Publishing & Media's stock has an average closing price of 6.26 CNY. The closing price of the last trading day was CNY 4.78 (difference of -23.64%) and we therefore badign a "sell" rating from a technical point of view. In addition to the 200-day average, the 50-day average is often badyzed as part of the mapping technique. In addition, for this value (5.08 CNY), the last closing price is below the moving average (-5.91%). As a result, the action of Northern United Publishing & Media is badigned a sales rating. Northern United Publishing & Media receives the mention "Sell" for the simple graphic design technique.

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