Now is the time: Frappuccino Lawyer is REAL


Had to come just like unicorn pizza. Basically, we just waited more. But now the avocado coffee drink is real and ready to be picked up!

And by whom, if not STARBUCKS, could this ingenious idea have come from elsewhere? The hijackers of the lawyer will now blow their hands in the air and sing "Hallelujah". Because we have already said: If you like the lawyer, then you really like them. An average thing is there as you do not know it. Love or hate

Now the question remains: will coffee lovers also appreciate the lawyer, or will they fail because of the lawyer hobbyists who do not support the coffee? It does not matter. Who else could focus on it, if only …

Oh yes. The party looks like a lawyer !! In the middle, there is even a strong chocolate core. On Starbucks and with the "Avocado Blended" orders! Well. So. In South Korea and Starbucks. Because that? Magnificent? Drinking seems to be there for the moment unfortunately only there. However, we certainly trust some people who are now planning to plan a trip to South Korea for the summer.

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