Now It's 79: A Dozen New Moons From Jupiter Discovered – Counselors


The turmoil around Jupiter grows up

Researchers at the Carnegie Institute in Washington DC have now detected twelve other moons of the planet, bringing to 79 the number of satellites known to Jupiter. And one of these new moons could ensure that there will be many more satellites soon!

► The moons of the fifth (and largest) planet in our solar system flew almost accidentally in front of astronomers like the Institute on its homepage reported.

Scientists were actually using a telescope in Chile in search of another possible planet located on the periphery of our solar system ("Planet X"), large enough to cover the orbits of some objects smaller and more distant

Jupiter flew into the picture. Study Director Scott S. Sheppard: "He was near our search boxes, so we were lucky enough to be able to search for new Jupiter moons at the same time."

In the spring of 2017, the team discovered the new moons. But it took another year before other observations finally confirmed the discovery.

► Two of the moons are relatively close to Jupiter and take about a year to revolve around him.

► Nine are in a satellite. Swarm at greater distance from Jupiter and need about two years for a complete orbit. The researchers badume that they may have appeared in collisions with other moons or even with asteroids.