Of 5 beers it becomes dangerous


How much alcohol does the body tolerate? New research shows when the end must be.

A glbad of wine to eat, one or two badtails at the bar, a crate of beer for the barbecue – the alcohol is in moderation and, depending on the occasion, a normal part of daily life. But how much is still healthy? Alcohol affects both the risk of death and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The researchers found that the risk of death increased when more than 100 g of alcohol was drunk each week. This limit is lower than that recommended in most countries.

The international team of researchers badyzed data from about 600,000 people in 19 countries who had been drinking alcohol and who had not yet suffered from cardiovascular disease at the beginning. of the study. The study participants were accompanied for nine years on average.

More than 100 grams of alcohol a week increases the risk of dying

Scientists studied the frequency of deaths and cardiovascular disease in each group during this period. The result: During the observation period, 40,310 people died from the study participants. The more we drank alcohol, the higher the risk of death was high – but only an amount of 100 grams of alcohol per week.
Excessive consumption of alcohol also affects cardiovascular disease: the more participants drank alcohol each week, the higher the risk of stroke, heart failure, high blood pressure arterial or coronary artery disease was high.

Scientists agreed that people who drank less than 100 grams of alcohol a week had the lowest risk of dying. Overall, the data suggests that you should not consume more than 100 grams of alcohol per week – less than recommended in most countries. To estimate: Half a liter of beer contains 20 grams of alcohol, a bottle of wine about 60 grams

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