Oily fish protects children from asthma


Can fish consumption reduce asthma?

Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from asthma, especially in our time. Many children also suffer from the disease. Researchers have now discovered that eating fatty fish as part of a healthy diet can reduce asthma symptoms in children.

Researchers at La Trobe University have discovered in their current research that eating fish such as salmon, trout and sardines can reduce asthma symptoms in children. The doctors published the results of their study in the English journal "Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics".

The fish is healthy and its taste is excellent. Researchers have now discovered that oily fish can apparently protect against asthma. The reason could be contained omega-3 fatty acids. (Image: karepa / fotolia.com)

Fish for the treatment of asthma in children?

The international research group found that the lung function of children with asthma, which consumed a healthy, high-fat Mediterranean diet, improved after six months. The findings suggest that a healthy diet could be a potential treatment for asthma in children.

Diet has a major impact on the risk of asthma

It is already known that a diet high in fat, sugar and salt can influence the course and development of asthma in children. At present, it is proven that the symptoms of asthma can be managed through a healthy diet, says study author Maria Papamichael of The University of La Trobe.

Twice a week, fish protects children from asthma

Oily fish contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. These are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The study shows that eating fish twice a week can help reduce asthma in children. In addition to a traditional Mediterranean diet rich in plant foods and oily fish, this could be a simple, safe and effective way to relieve the symptoms of asthma in children, experts say.

Doctors are looking for new treatments for the treatment of asthma

Asthma is the most common respiratory disease among young people and one of the main reasons for hospital stays and visits to the emergency. The rate of asthma in the world is very high. It is imperative to identify new treatments that can be used in conjunction with conventional asthma medications.

What did fish consumption do to children?

The study involved 64 children aged 5 to 12 from Greece. All participants suffered from mild asthma. The subjects were divided into two groups for the study. One group had to eat two meals of cooked fatty fish (at least 150 grams) a week for a period of six months. The other children maintained their normal diet. At the end of the study, the doctors found that bronchial inflammation of children in the group regularly consuming fish had been reduced by 14 units. (As)

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