Oliver Pocher makes fun of Boris Becker – stars


Oliver Pocher simply can not resist: the comedian again shoots tennis legend Boris Becker. The 40-year-old man posted a three-and-a-half-minute video on Facebook (see below), dressed as Boris Becker in a breakfast, answering questions about his debts and his diplomatic status.

Pocher on the financial situation of Beckers

The interview is conducted by fellow comedian Matze Knopp, who badumes the role of a journalist. Becker-Double Pocher explains among other things why he is so heavily indebted: "You're standing at the cheese counter […] and you take the cheese more expensive and then it's very fast." You forgot the bag, so you have to pay the plastic bag. " The reporter agrees with him and says: " Half a billion meets quickly. "

Boris Becker

Pbadport with Taka-Tuka-Land Stamp

Also Becker's pbadport problem, is discussed .. Pocher told the moderator that he of course possesses such a pbadport because "Boris Becker naturally gets a pbadport everywhere" The journalist shows a Zimbabwe Payback card and a pbadport with a Taka Tuka stamp (a place that "Pippi Longstocking" fans know)

More than 100,000 fans have already enjoyed the video, Boris Becker himself has not commented yet

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