Olympia 2026: Calgary is probably withdrawing its request


Aufmacherbild Photo: © getty

– Tuesday, 30.10.2018, 23:35

The IOC is probably another possible venue for the lost 2026 Winter Olympics.

As reported by "CBC", the Canadian city of Calgary will likely withdraw its application. The state, the province of Alberta and the city of Calgary have been able to reach a funding agreement.

The local bid committee on Tuesday urged city council to end the bid process and cancel a citizen survey scheduled for November 13th. A decision will be made Wednesday.

That would only leave Milan / Cortina of Ampezzo and Stockholm as possible place. But in Sweden, the demand is still fragile: the government of the designated city of Stockholm is critical with regard to a request.

Those who are authorized to host the Winter Olympics next winter will be appointed by the IOC in June 2019 in Lausanne.

Text source: © LAOLA1.at/APA

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