Omega-3 study: "Instead of buying fish oil capsules rather than vegetables"

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No significant effect

Dietary supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil or linseed oil capsules, n & # 39 did not reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke Alpha-linolenic acid had no significant positive effect on heart health, with the sole exception that this omega-3 fatty acid appeared to protect against cardiac arrhythmia to a lesser extent. Alpha-linolenic acid Their risk of arrhythmia fell from 3.3% to 2.6%.

"We are the results of this study which goes against the current badumption that the long chain Omeg-3 fatty acids protect the heart, convinced, "says the author of the study.

Lee Hooper
of the English University of East Anglia . The study examined large amounts of data over a long period of time – "but we did not find any protective effects." The belief in the health benefits of fatty acids based on Lee based on the early scientific studies of the 1980s or 1990s: "We all believed for a long time, but since then no investigation has confirmed the results. "

The investigation was initiated by the

World Health Organization
WHO which is currently preparing an adaptation of its guidelines on the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids . ">

No Significant Effect

Dietary supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil or linseed oil capsules, have not been Not Reduced Risk of Heart Attacks and Stroke.Scientists also failed to find a significant positive effect on heart health in alpha-linolenic acid of plant origin with the sole exception that this omega-3 fatty acid appeared to protect against cardiac arrhythmia to a small extent linolenic acid increased its risk of arrhythmia by 3.3% to 2, 6%.

"We are the results of this investigation which goes against the current badumption that Omeg-3 fatty acids protect the heart, convinced, "says the author of the study

Lee Hooper
of the English University of East Anglia . The study examined large amounts of data over a long period of time – "but we did not find any protective effects." The belief in the health benefits of fatty acids based on Lee based on early scientific surveys of the 80s or 90s: "We all believed in them for a long time, but since then no investigation has confirmed the results. "

The investigation was initiated by the

World Health Organization
WHO which is currently preparing an adaptation of its guidelines on the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids .

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