online services in comparison ⊂ · ⊃


PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold are the premium online services for Sony or Microsoft consoles. If you want to choose between PlayStation 4 (Pro) and Xbox One (X), you need to include not only their hardware, but also the subscription services you are considering.

Game Requirements Online

PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold can play a bigger role in your future gaming routine than you think. Because if you want to play online, you can barely bypbad the online services. Most titles for PS4 and Xbox One can only be played online if you subscribe to PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold.

PS4 owners pay € 59.99 a year. From time to time, there are discounts, and you can also link for a shorter period – but then paid more per month: For 30 days, Sony asks for 7.99 euros, three months you get for 24.99 euros. Xbox Live Gold also costs 59.99 euros a year. The one month subscription is cheaper with 6.99 euros than the Sony offer. This also applies to the 3 month subscription you receive from Microsoft for $ 19.99

Free Games Every Month

PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold not only allow you to play line. Subscribers can also enjoy free games every month. Once downloaded to your console, you can read it as long as your subscription is running. However, you must add the games to your account within 30 days and then the offer will expire.

Microsoft writes on its website that you get "free games worth € 700" with a one year subscription. Of these so-called "Games with Gold", two appear monthly for the Xbox One and two for the Xbox 360. With backward compatibility, the latter can also play on the current generation of consoles.

PlayStation Plus subscribers receive two monthly PS4 games, The monetary value of the games offered varies from one month to the next. A comparison with the original selling price of a title, however, does not make sense anyway, since this has already decreased significantly in most cases. In addition to games for the PlayStation 4 are currently two for the PS3 and PlayStation Vita. The ownership of the two old consoles will be empty by March 2019.

Discounts and other benefits

Another advantage of being a member of PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold is to benefit from exclusive discounts on many games – some new -. Depending on the title, you can save a lot of money, as if you had bought the game at a regular price. In some cases, savings represent more than 60% of the recommended selling price. It is difficult to directly compare the discounts of the two platforms. Many discounts on the PlayStation Store also do not require PS Plus subscription. Discounts in the Microsoft Store are more likely to be related to Xbox Live Gold.

PlayStation Plus also allows you to save backups in the cloud. In addition, the Subscription Console automatically downloads game updates as soon as they are available. With PS Plus, you also get advance access for beta versions of different games and can sometimes play trial versions longer than without a subscription. You can also back up your games online without Xbox Live Gold on the Microsoft console. The service allows you to exchange contacts in so-called Xbox Live parties or group chats – even if you play different games or any of you is using a Windows 10 PC In addition, you sometimes have faster access to beta and demo games.

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