Operation: Overlord – Movie review and trailer – Theatrical releases


5.11.2018 16:22

(Act 5.11.2018 16:22)

June 1944: the night before D-Day, a group of American paratroopers is supposed to blow up a belfry behind the enemy lines. In addition to a mission-critical radio system and a superior force of Nazi soldiers, they find a laboratory in which a German doctor turns villagers into superhuman undead.

Nazi soldiers as villains are a clbadic ingredient of trashy entertainment movies. Consider "Inglourious Basterds" or "Iron Sky" from Tarantino. Even as the undead, the Wehrmacht soldiers evoke a rich career in the cinema. In this tradition now builds the new horror of war "Operation: Overlord" of Thursday in the cinema, the human experiences of Nazi doctors to a monstrous fiction.

Operation: Overlord – Short film content

The night before the invasion of Normandy by the Allies in 1944, two dozen inexperienced American paratroopers were in the plane behind the enemy lines. The majority is torn in the first minutes of the film under the infernal hail of bullets, the four survivors beaten in a village occupied by the Nazis.

In anticipation of D-Day, US soldiers must blow up a bell tower. But in addition to a German radio system, they also meet a secret laboratory in the catacombs, in which a Nazi doctor transforms the dead villagers into unchained underworld with superhuman powers.

Operation: Overlord – The Criticism

It's very atmospheric in the clear and atmospheric images of Australian director Julius Avery. Even the path paved with corpses on the ground is extremely depressing and thrilling: As in the apocalyptic paintings, dead comrades hang on their parachutes in the woods. The paternal superior is immediately sifted by the enemy, the budding writer of the team sprayed in a split second.

As a result, one feels with the remaining four, for the curfew alone between enemies and collaborators – as allies only the young French Chloé (Mathilde Ollivier), the Nazi commander Wafner (Pilou Asbæk) no longer wants to be .

On the serious face of the friendly boy Boyce (Jovan Adepo), black in a predominantly white unit, play meanwhile dramas: The conscript can not and will not fight. He has not yet learned this because he faces an inhuman threat.

Compared to other films of the subgenre Nazihorror, this one has some depth – for example in the competition of atrocities between the German Wafner and the highest ranking American soldier Ford (Wyatt). Russell). Really "figure-driven", as the creators of the producer J.J. C is what Abrams calls, but the film does not contain a glimpse of the psychic life of the characters.

Thus, in the last third, when the mission is managed with a lot of noise, the attention of the viewer sometimes moves a little in front of the movie theater. That the monsters of a movie about the Nazis are necessary to the horror factor is a matter of taste. If you like atmospheric horror and action-packed action, you'll get nearly two hours of popcorn cinema in "Operation: Overlord".

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