Organ trade scandal at FC Barcelona?


According to El Confidencial, the Spanish club FC Barcelona could be involved in a scandal of trade in organs. According to reports, the club illegally provided his former defender Éric Abidal with a liver after being diagnosed with a tumor on the organ

The sheet allegedly intercepted phone calls during the whitening investigation of money from Sandor Rosell. He admitted to having bought a liver from an Abidal.

In 2011, the former defender of Barça, a tumor was discovered, which was initially easily removed. However, in April 2011, the French had to have a liver transplant. Barely a year later, he represented the Catalans in the field.

The club has already responded to the report and vehemently rejected the allegations in a first statement. "FC Barcelona categorically denies any irregularities, just like the victim herself and the leaders of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona."

In addition, the report "The honor of Eric Abidal, all parties involved in the transplantation, FC Barcelona and its former President Sandro Rosell", continue the Catalans.

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