Otto is 70 and Ingrid Thurnher congratulates "


Kleine Zeitung +

"Good evening, Mrs. Sneaker": Otto Waalkes was a guest at Zeit im Bild 21 years ago. It was followed by a legendary exchange of blows, which even led the comedian to the bottom.

By Ingrid Thurnher | 09.07, 22 July 2018

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  Legendary: Ingrid Thurnher and guest Otto
Caption: Ingrid Thurnher and guest Otto © ORF

Hamburg, Atlantic Hotel, July 2018. In a suite overlooking the Alster, I meet a very special interlocutor: Otto Waalkes celebrates 70 years and grants me – 21 years after our first meeting in ZiB-2-Studio – an interview. And two more meet from different worlds. It's the show, the big stage, the movie. My rather the conversation in the relative isolation of the TV studio. We meet on a neutral ground and I try to find the person behind the starstar.

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