Özil-Papa talks about the scandal of racism – football


Mesut Özil publicly denounces racism in the German national team. "If we win, I'm German, if we lose, I'm an immigrant," said the 29-year-old player on social networks and explained his resignation from the DFB team.

Prior to this, the Arsenal legionnaire had been severely criticized for his photo with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


For his father, Mustafa Özil, the resignation is a logical step. "I was not surprised by the decision, as I have already predicted, he was too hurt because of the hostility, too offended, I hope that he will rest, "said Mustafa Özil on the 19459007 image.

Nevertheless, there is nostalgia in the proud Özil-Papa. I am very sad that his great career in the national team is coming to an end, which is unworthy. "

Papa Özil could not influence him." Mustafa Özil was also a consultant for his son until 2013. Since a dispute, both have little contact.

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(Today Sports)

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