Paffett returns from pole position at Zandvoort


Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett also took pole position at Zandvoort in the second race. Photo: Daniel Karmann

(Photo: dpa)

In the second qualifying session of the weekend, the 37-year-old Mercedes driver, competing in his 175th DTM race, relegated BMW driver Philipp Eng to the second Place [19659005LarecrueautrichiennequipartiradelapremièrelignepourlaquatrièmefoisdesadixièmecourseDTMdimancheaétéà0466secondesderetardsurPaffettquigrâceauxtroispointssupplémentairespourlePolonaisasonavancedanslatablesurl'EcossaisPaulDiResta(cinquièmesurlagrille)estpbadéà24points

defending champion Rene Rast s & # 39; is secured third place on the grid as the best Audi driver (0491 seconds behind). For the first time this season, the drivers of the three brands are in the top three starting positions. The tenth round of the season concludes the first half of the DTM season. After the summer holidays, the DTM will give another performance abroad on August 11 and 12 at Brands Hatch, near London

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