Panorama: Royals: The duchess Meghan's bra makes a splash in Ireland


At a meeting with the Irish President, the Duchess Meghan opted for a gray dress. In the eyes of some particularly stifling fans of Royal, the wrong choice was the bra under the dress.

This is not the first and probably not the last time the Duchess Meghan has been heavily criticized for her choice of dress.

On July 11, the Duchess made a public appearance in Ireland with her husband Prince Harry. She was wearing a gray dress, under which was her bra.

For a fan of the British Royals scandal.

"She needs support in the Underwear Department"

Under the Duchess's gray dress, her strapless bra stood out clearly. This has probably caused some observers of royal appearance for instant breathing.

"She needs support in the department of underwear" a user wrote on Twitter

that Meghan is viewed as a new member of the royal family was planned before marriage with Prince Harry . Meanwhile, the comments take on grotesque traits.

When she crosses her legs badly, does not wear tights or does not cover her arms, she seems to break the royal rules with every gesture, every outfit. Only a few Twitter users seem to be more interested than the British royal family itself.

Because despite the strict protocol, the Royals seem to have moved more with the pbadage of time than many of their suffocating fans : An impending bra should no longer cause hateful comments in a liberal country of the 21st century .

Other fans defend Duchess Meghan

Duchess Meghan may still have empathy with the role of a member of the royal family. But killing them for absolute nothing is really ridiculous.

A fan defended the Duchess with just words on Twitter: "It's disgusting to see how many people are unnecessarily cruel on every aspect of their existence. Why should this be a relevant criticism? The undergarments that she wears are not your problem. "


This article was written by HuffPost / nr

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