Patented: Microsoft develops contactless contact for Surface


Shortly after Microsoft introduced its new Surface Go, there are rumors about new, more exciting features. There are new entry options for Surface devices: contactless via gesture control.

  Microsoft Patent Contactless Entry Patent Drawing

Response to the Hand Signal

Microsoft has already filed the patent for the new entry technology in 2016. Now the patent has been awarded, as the Patently Apple information page has discovered. What the Redmond group has developed is really exciting. We now combine for non-contact surface devices with conventional touch screen inputs. As a result, the Surface Series may soon react to signals from its owner's hand.

According to the patent filing, the system is similar to the Apple TrueDepth camera used for facial recognition. Microsoft also uses camera sensors to detect what is happening in front of the camera, but to detect gestures that the user performs. According to the patent, the movements of the fingers and hands are measured and then implemented.

The patent granted to Microsoft illustrates the visual recognition of contactless entries. The inputs are then interpreted to control cursor operations and multi-touch gestures on the computer, tablet or smartphone.

For all surface devices

These include common gestures like pinching to zoom, open and open. One could also conceive an extension of known gestures currently used to replace shortcuts. User movements can be easily interpreted as other inputs.

Microsoft Surface Series would be the first device on the market with such functionality. If the patent at Microsoft already proved in the test, is unknown.

Therefore, it is not clear if the contactless operation in the mold will end with the end user.

See also:

  Microsoft, Surface, Patent, Touch, Gestures

Microsoft, Surface, Patent, Touch, Gestures
Patently Apple

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