Peter Thiel invests in crypto startup | 07/23/18


Because of the crypto-hype, startups grow in this area like mushrooms. Only a fraction of these companies succeed and can defend themselves. One of them managed to attract Peter Thiel as an investor.

The US investor of German origin has already invested $ 20 million through the intermediary of its Founders Fund venture capital firm in Bitcoin. In the crypto zone, he now seems to have licked the blood and embarked with an unknown amount at Block.One, the creators of EOS.

Acquisition of more than 4 billion dollars by ICO

As the company announced in a press release, with Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, Bitmain, the largest mining company based in China, has invested in this fund hedge fund managers Louis Bacon and Alan Howard. These big names could make Block.One even better known and bring more capital.

Black.One was not discussed until June when he set a new ICO record. In the digital IPO, crypto startup took a whopping four billion US dollars – the previous record holder in the ICO financing, Telegram, with 1.7 billion dollars raised, has therefore been significantly removed. And most traditional IPOs have also brought in smaller amounts than the Black.One ICO.

6,000 transactions per second

Block.One's EOS digital token has a market capitalization of more than $ 7 billion, according to Coinmarketcap data, making it the fifth-largest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin, Ethereum , Ripple and Bitcoin Cash. An EOS is currently worth around $ 8.

With its own blockchain Eosio, the company wants to increase transaction speed of parts up to 6,000 pieces per second. If successful, EOS could become even more competitive for old coins – at least for people who view cryptocurrencies as a payment opportunity and not an investment. Compared to that, a Bitcoin transaction takes several minutes, Ethereum creates 15 transactions per second.

Decentralized Platform of Applications

With the money raised, Black.One plans to expand its platform for distributed software applications, dApps. Thus, EOS – just like Ethereum – could become an alternative to traditional mobile operating systems iOS and Android .

The platform dApps is in principle comparable to Apple's App Store or Google Play but stands out with one point: their infrastructure is decentralized. Based on blockchain technology known as EOS Eosio, the infrastructure does not belong to a company, but is decentralized on each user's machine. Thus, it can not be controlled centrally. Until now, what has been used for cryptocurrencies would be transferred to another zone.


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