PlayStation 4: Good if it is, it continues to sell + PS Plus is growing!


While the Nintendo switch has overtaken the GameCube internally, the PlayStation 4 remains the benchmark in this generation of consoles. Sony has released new business statistics, revealing that the home console continues to sell well.

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Although the PlayStation 4 is now a few years old and the next generation of consoles is already on the horizon, Sony's flagship product continues to sell well. This is now apparent from the sales figures presented for the last two quarters.

For example, in the three months prior to September 30, 2018, 3.9 million PS4 consoles were moved to the counter. Compared to the previous year, the figure is less than 300 000 units, but taking into account the age of the PS4, the sales figures remain considerable. At the same time, this could be enough motivation for Sony to reserve a price reduction until further notice.

Overall, the PS4 has no less than 86.1 million copies sold and could thus cross the magic bar of 100 million copies by the end of the next fiscal year. Sony also raised the forecast for the current fiscal year to 17.5 million sales in light of the new figures.

Earnings at Sony increased 27% year-over-year. The PlayStation software is sold at a rate of 75.1 million units, an increase of 5.4 million compared to the previous year. And PlayStation Plus is always in fashion. According to Sony, the number of paying subscribers rose from 33.9 million the previous year to 34.3 million.

PlayStation 4 – Unpack the 500 million trailer of PS4 Pro LE 500 million

In this other video of the limited edition of the PS4, the interesting console is unzipped for you.

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