Pokémon GO meets the musical urge of coaches for Halloween


Coach, make your cell phone strong! The music often requested from Lavandia returns to Pokémon GO.

The music was heard last year on the occasion of Halloween and was well received by the players. Now the music returns to play for Halloween 2018.

What is this music? The music is a song that appeared in the red and blue edition of the Gameboy of the city of Lavandia. This song changed Niantic slightly and published it for the Halloween event in 2017. The players loved the new music. After the end of Halloween, many players lamented the soundtrack.


The coaches were hoping for a return: After the announcement of the Halloween event in 2018, many players have also asked for a return of Lavandia music.

At first, they were disappointed, but you finally find the music in Pokémon GO.

Lavandia's music is perfect for Halloween

Lavandia ghost town: Lavandia is home to the ghost tower where dead Pokémon souls found their home.

In keeping with the Pokémon GO Halloween event, ghost town music returns to play. During the event, Pokémon GO's ghost and ghost Pokémon are in the foreground.

Cover image Halloween Event Pokemon GO

Turn on the music: It is therefore advantageous to play Pokémon GO with sound. It is not known how long this music can still be heard. It is believed that she disappears after Halloween.

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Only heard at night: To hear the music, it must be dark in Pokémon GO. So do not be surprised if you hear only the normal sound of Pokemon during the day.

Players are happy with the music

On Reddit and Twitter, players eagerly await the music, which has returned to Pokémon GO.

Good pleasure on Reddit: User "EddiOS42" wrote: "PEOPLE! Music Lavandia is back in Pokémon GO! Hype!"

Many users agreed with the comment and were also satisfied with the music. The user "JaimeReyna" replied: "It only took all the event until the music came back. Always great! It was fantastic to see all the new ones Pokemon at the last Halloween party and listen to this music for hours. "

Pokemon GO Halloween Title 5

The Halloween event ends soon: Already tomorrow, November 1, at 10 pm, the Halloween event ends. With the event, the music could disappear. But last year, the music was still heard the day after the event.

How do you like music? Are you happy about this innovation?

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