Porsche: Manipulations also with Panamera


Three executives are under investigation for fraud, one of them is in detention. Porsche is deeply entangled in the case of the manipulated exhaust systems of its diesel models, and again in this scandal is not an end for the predictable Stuttgart automaker. On the contrary. The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) will shortly impose a mandatory recall for the Porsche Panamera. In the diesel model, improper handling of the exhaust gas cleaning system has been discovered, which leads to an increase in nitrogen oxide emissions, according to the Federal Ministry of Energy. Transport


Issue 30/2018

Researchers explore how the body and the mind can withstand pressure – and turn into a force

Porsche stands out in the business Emissions: After this recall, there will not be a single legal Porsche diesel model, as at the Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer) noticed. Already affected by the recalls were already off-road diesel vehicles Cayenne and Macan, both in the engine variant with three and four liters. The company stopped selling all diesel models a few months ago. A spokesman for Porsche said on request, the voting process with the KBA is still ongoing, so you can currently refer to the allegations.

Porsche was in the diesel business by looking for SPIEGEL in last summer. With exams at the TÜV Nord in Essen, Felix Domke, a Lübeck-based software expert, demonstrated that various software from the Porsche Cayenne ensures that the limit values ​​are met only in the laboratory and not on the road. The KBA was able to understand the fraud, the then Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) ordered an official reminder of the SUV.

Porsche put to the test: gas cams on the Cayenne Diesel?

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