Prince Charles celebrates his 70th birthday: Royal Serious Slayer? The stories of women of the heir to the throne


As Prince Charles celebrates his 70th birthday on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, the first organic farmer will rise to the throne of the United Kingdom. But until then, he will probably have to wait a little, because his mother, aged 92, is a queen of great perseverance. And we are already on the subject. Prince Charles and women. He should not act from his mother or any other member of his family, but from Prince Charles's love life. Was the Royal a Hallodri, a philanderer?

Prince Charles is considered one of the most difficult royals

Charles is considered a waiting prince – at an age when others are already retired. He is in many ways a rather unusual successor to the throne: Charles is not only engaged in green farming, but he is also a pbadionate climate advocate, a human rights defender, a maniac for the architecture that has prevented many modern construction projects with his stubborn head. like to paint watercolors. In a BBC documentary for his birthday is to see how the apparent heir speaks with the turkeys. Many Britons find Charles a little fanciful. Even the Queen and Prince Philip have found their elders sometimes strange, as the biographies show.

Prince Charles wanted to be a stamp of his longtime love Camilla Parker Bowles

Charles has reached a low point in the popularity curve, like the spicy details of his relationship with his longtime lover Camilla Parker Bowles came to the public. A secretly recorded phone call, in which the heir to the throne expressed the desire to be a Camillas buffer, has brought the barrel to overflow for many British: Such can not become king! "It was an addiction he could not get rid of, an obsession he did not want to free himself from," said his ex-chamberlain Stephen Barry.

His relations with Princess Diana have always been in criticism

He was particularly unhappy about how Charles behaved with Diana, queen of hearts. Shortly after the engagement, the couple's response, when asked if she was in love, was frowning: she broke out with a "Yes, of course!" outside, he says, "whatever the love."

In 1981, he had Lady Di married and divorced in 1996. In 2005, he married Camilla Parker Bowles, with whom he had an affair during his marriage to Princess Diana. The wedding continues today and Camilla has since become a staple of the royal family. For example, she fulfills many royal functions and accompanies Charles in his travels around the world. She finds a lot of credit and seems to succeed in Charles.

The other women on the Charles side

Luckily married to one and badly married to each other, Charles also had acquaintances before his two most famous wives. Thus, the "Daily Star" revealed the names of other women with whom Prince Charles was more or less related.

Lady Dale Tyron: "The only woman who ever understood me"

Very near, Prince Charles seems to have confessed to Lady Dale Tyron, that he had once described as "the only woman to understand me". According to the Daily Star, a common pbadion for fly fishing has evolved considerably behind the scenes. Lady Tyron, president of the SANE Psychological Charity Association, died in 1997 after a series of health problems.

Lady Jane Wellesley could not bear the excitement aroused by her relationship with Charles

Between 1973 and 1974, Prince Charles met Lady Jane Wellesley several times. She had grown up in the royal family, but still could not cope with the hype surrounding her relationship with Charles. It is at this point that the relationship has collapsed.

Lady Amanda Knatchbull rejected a request from Prince Charles

In 1977, Prince Charles took Lady Amanda Knatchbull on vacation to the island of Eleuthera in the Caribbean. Here he should have asked the lady if she wanted to become his wife. She refused. In 1987, she found her true love at Charles Vincent Ellingworth, an author. The couple has three sons

Prince Charles as Lady Sarah Spencer – Diana's sister

Before Prince Charles "fell in love" with Princess Diana, he went out with his sister, Lady Sarah Spencer. But the relationship did not last long and when Prince Charles showed interest in Diana, Sarah would have had to give him his blessing. After the engagement of Charles and Diana, she said: "I introduced her one to the other, I was her love." Sarah Spencer married Neil McCorquodale in 1980 and has three children with him.

Read also:Prince Charles: Charlotte or George: Which grandson does he love the most?

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