Prince George celebrates his fifth birthday


Prince George celebrates his fifth birthday today, and Kensington Palace has posted a photo: Little Royal, the first son of Prince William and Duchess Kate, looks happy and confident.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge content [194559003] @mustporteous

– Kensington Palace (19659005) @KensingtonRoyal) 21. July 2018

The last twelve months were hectic for George: he was registered in London, he had a brother and on the occasion of the birthday of his grandmother, Queen (92), on the balcony of the palace from Buckingham.

Third in the line of succession

How Prince George is going to celebrate his birthday is unknown. Rumor has it that William (36) and Kate (36) went with their children to the Caribbean Mosquito Island, popular with celebrities for its location and luxury.

George has a sister, in addition to her recently named brother Louis, Charlotte, three years old. He is – after grandfather Prince Charles and Father William – in third place of the throne

IS supporters are called to attack

With his parents and Charlotte George was already on an official trip to the Abroad, also in Germany and Canada. The five-year-old visits a private school in South London

A supporter of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist militia called Telegram on the news application for a terrorist attack on the boy and published the exact address of the school. The author also reportedly called for attacks on football stadiums. A court sentenced the man to life imprisonment more than a week ago – he must remain in prison for at least 25 years.

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