Princess Victoria: So she celebrated her birthday privately


The birthday of Princess Victoria takes place every year the same year: for forty years, the Crown Princess celebrates with her family and her people the "Victorian Day" on the 1st. island of Öland. That means for the family: Around noon, she receives congratulations for Schloss Solliden and in the evening, everyone gets together for a concert on the sports ground Borgholm. But what happens when Royals secretly celebrate behind the walls of the palace?

Anniversary of Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle & Prince Oscar

Prince Daniel
had details on Friday on the anniversary of his divulged wife. At the "Victoria Golf Tournament" he revealed: "There will be a cake and a birthday party in the morning, and we look forward to it." Whoever could not wait until Saturday morning was the nest of the family. Prince Oscar was his first sympathizers, he woke her up in the morning, Princess Victoria told a reporter about to appear in front of the castle.

Princess Victoria

Emotional Speech for the Anniversary

Time pbaded and King Carl Gustaf of Sweden was once again able to sing the birthday song of his eldest daughter and to sing in front of the thousands of visitors in front of Schloss Solliden. Princess Victoria celebrates her 41st birthday in Öland, who shines from one ear to the other

Private party with the family

Despite the many hours that the birthday girl devotes to the public each year, Victoria also takes time for a private party. Thus, the evening has always been a highlight of the day, court spokeswoman Margareta Thorgren said on the eve of "Victoriatage" and betrayed: After the public concert on the sports field, Borgholm would continue to celebrate at Castle Solliden in camera. "There will be a private dinner in the evening in Solliden," she confirmed, stating categorically that this part was really "completely private".

Princess Victoria enjoys family time

This time with family Princess Victoria has always appreciated, Thorgren continued. "The nearest family, their siblings and their children have the opportunity to meet Öland in a relaxed atmosphere."

Crown Princess Victoria
often said that it was the best way to celebrate his birthday. on it and think it's great to be with the family in Öland. "

Victoriatag in Sweden

Princess Victoria celebrates 41 years

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